About Mother Aid And Child Protection And Development Initiative

Who We are

MotherAid and child protection and development initiative is a Non Governmental organization seeking to break the malicious cycle of domestic violence, abuse ,hunger and violence affecting women and children

MACPADI empowers and counsel survivors of domestic violence or violence against women and children through emotional support, safety planning, case management services, and advocacy within medical, court, child welfare and other systems of care.
We Let the victim know about their rights and responsibilities

MACPADI Establish and maintain a relationship with other services providers
Coordinate meetings and activities with other case managers and examiners to assist victims
We also Help with emergency safety planning for victims in a crisis.

MAACPADI Sensitization

Become A Proud Volunteer

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future. Save The Life To Make The Better World


MACPADI focuses on reducing violence committed against women and children in rural communities..This organisation carries out several programmes to advance the prevention of domestic violence and any other form of violence affecting women,girls and children . such as the ""skills acquisition and self empowerment programmes which is for the benefit of the poor and needy women & girls, ( widows, abused Women, unemployed Girls and House mothers) who are living below the poverty line in backward/remote communities. The project aims to equip women with a skill that will help them to improve their living standards and generate income for their families. Unemployment is a serious issue that leads to many other social problems. women need improving or fixing themselves to understand value. Women with low self-esteem allow too much of themselves to be negotiable, struggle to care for themselves and experience life as being stressful ..these makes them vulnerable and gullible to abuse. MACPADI organises trainings, programme Events , workshops and community based counselling programs to help women live a fulfilling life,free of abuse and violence. The organisation has been able to provide support to over 100,000 survivors of domestic violence rape and other forms of abuse..50,000 vulnerable and homeless children have through its community based programmes gotten educational scholarship, homes, food and clothings... the organisation also empowers over 5,000 women each year, through vocational skills training and machinaries for start ups.. MotherAid And Child Protection also work with Nigerian Women Trust Fund to fight gender based violence in Nigeria.

Sensitization programme initiatives

MACPADI has developed a series of flagship programmes to push its efforts and achieve positive and long lasting results. The programmes is provided through ice breakers, creative exercises, counselling dections,
interactive games, deportment activities, discussions and role plays,
with a view to building personal skills, embracing challenging situations
rather than avoiding them, persevering through challenges rather
than giving up, living an active and engaged life; confidently putting away self pity and doubts.
macpadi uses a human-rights-based approach to focuse on strengthening the voice of women ,girls and children,they seek to remove structural barriers to gender equality and women’s empowerment.